Every modern inclusion school should use the screen reader application at classroom. Especially, if there are some students with visual impairment conditions at that classroom. At past time, Braille books are being used to help those children to study. However, now the free screen reader will provides more benefits for the students. Just by using this specific application, all of your students will be happier! Not only students with blindness conditions, regular students could get benefit from this application too. So, there are no other reasons to not using this application for learning method. Here, you will get some benefits of this application for teaching and learning processes.

If you are a teacher, you should know many benefits from this screen reader application. First, the application will give your students with visual impairment more access to learn. Sometimes, the students still cannot get good understanding from lesson which being taught at class. Clearly, they need more time to learn by themselves by reading. As for students with blindness, this could be really hard. If they use braille books, those students will need more time to “read” the book. Moreover, sometimes they need to re-read the books again and again until really get the lesson.

Students with blindness will not get hard time if using the screen reader software. Every time they need to re-read the book, students could just re-play the audiobook using the screen reader application. They don’t need to hear the whole audiobook from the start, just from specific part that the student wants. Teacher or their peers could help to adjust which part need to be re-played by the students with special needs. This will be good way to teach empathy for all of your students.

Just like mentioned at above paragraph, the screen reader application will give benefits for your regular students as well. One of big goals of inclusion class, all of students should know about empathy and care. You could use the software to teach your regular students about those soft skills. For one lesson, you could ask them to cover their eyes with fabric or scarf. After that, you could ask them to following the lesson with audiobooks.

Definitely, this role-play lesson will makes your regular students get more understanding about their friend’s condition. They will learn more on how to respect others, which will be good perspective for them. So, the screen reader application should be used at every classroom.